Let me start with '"What is free will?". Free will is our ability to view a life situation, analyse the possible right and wrong actions or thoughts and consciously perform action or think what you feel right. On a simpler sense, it is the ability and freedom of human mind to choose what he/she feels right. This explanation may not be perfect but I believe this gave you an idea. It is generally understood that unlike animals, human beings have free will. Animals respond to situations in an instinctive manner, for instance, if they find food they would jump on it and eat; if they find danger they may attack. So, they have limited ability to choose their action. However, there could be creatures with higher levels of free will. As we understand it, do we really have free will?. Try self introspection on your last few days or months. Did you always chose what you felt right. I am quite sure you had numerous instances where you absolutely knew that something is right but you ...
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